It is WAJIB to recite once after every FARDH prayer from the FAJR of 9th DHUL HIJJAH until the ASR of 13th DHUL HIJJAH. Men should recite it audibly in a moderately loud voice, and women should recite it in a soft voice.
الله أكبر الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa Lillahil Hamd
TRANSLATION: Allah is most Great. Allah is most Great. There is no God besides Allah and Allah is most Great. Allah is most Great and Verily all praises are for Allah.
9th Dhul Hijjah From Fajr
10th Dhul Hijjah Eid Day 1 Every Prayer
11th Dhul Hijjah Eid Day 2 Every Prayer
12th Dhul Hijjah Eid Day 3 Every Prayer
13th Dhul Hijjah Until Asr